Frequently Asked Question

Replace the ticket printer
Last Updated 2 years ago

If you need to replace the printer on your Roommatik check-in kiosk, follow the steps described below.

  1. Disconnect the kiosk from the power source.
  2. Remove the current printer.
  3. Open the kiosk and access the printer.
  4. Take a clear picture of the current wiring that connects to the printer.
  5. Disconnect the cables on the printer side.
  6. Unscrew the four nuts that hold the printer to the kiosk frame.
  1. Install the new printer.
  2. Make sure the position of the new printer is the same as the previous one.
  3. Screw in the four nuts to secure the printer to the frame.
  4. Connect the cables in exactly the same position and connectors as the previous printer.
  5. Connect the kiosk to the power source.
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